Tak perlu tunggu jd wakil rakyat, sekarang pun boleh berkhidmat untuk masyarakat... Faedahnya BESAR, pengalaman baru, kawan baru, kemahiran & softskill baru dan yang paling penting tambah saham akhirat wooo...
20 Great Reasons to Volunteer
*Help others
*Make a difference
*Find purpose
*Enjoy a meaningful conversation
*Connect with your community
*Feel involved
*Contribute to a cause that you care about
*Use your skills in a productive way
*Develop new skills
*Meet new people
*Explore new areas of interest
*Meet good people
*Impress your mom
*Impress yourself
*Expand your horizons
*Get out of the house
*Make new friends
*Strengthen your resume
*Feel better about yourself
So... Jom kita bersukarela...
Plz feel free utk contact saya klu anda tak tau caranya...=)